Hello gais so this entry I nak start tulis review on skin care. Sebab posts yang sebelum ni dah banyak pasal makeup (ceyy sebenarnya tak banyak mana pun lel)
So today our main character is Missha Time Revolution The First Treatment Essence. So basically dia essence lah, ala-ala SKII centu
But memang ramai pun yang kata this one dupe to SKII, dari segi apa tu sis tak dapat nak cakap lah sebab sis pun tak mampu lagi nak try SKII haha. Maybe dari segi effect or texture kot
Tapi ofc these two are different. For what I know, Missha the star ingredients are Himalaya Purple Barley & Fermented Gemmule Yeast Extract 90% while SKII pulak is Pitera
So kalau you guys tanya Pitera tu apa? So here is the google answer:
What is Pitera made of?
Dawn French: "Pitera is the broth that's made by the yeast. It is rich in amino acids, proteins, organics, acids." And that broth, she says, helps exfoliate and restore the skin's radiance.
(Oct 17, 2004)
So what I noticed is both of Missha and SKII have some kind of yeast extract so yeah sebab tu lah kot orang kata Missha is the dupe version of SKII Facial Treatment Essence
So here the ingredients list. I screenshot jugak (below) from Althea punya website, in case you guys tak clear tengok dekat kotak tu. But kalau perasan the first ingredient punya nama tu macam lain sikit compare dengan yang from Althea. Maybe yang dekat Althea ni the newest version and they changed the ingredients a bit
But still the star ingredients like barley extract, niacinamide, glycerin and lactic acid still ada. So still good (thumbs up!)
- It claimed to help in repairing wrinkle & brightening
- Recover skin balance and basic ability of skin by raising skin moisture from deep inside (maybe it means to help in repairing the skin barier)
- Evens out skin texture, hydrates and improves the overall health for a youthful glow
Himalayan purple barley - Plumps, smooths out skin texture and reduce pigmentation for a youthful glowNiacinamide - Brightens and clarifies the skin
Adenosine - Energizes the skin to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
All skin types
At the first step of skin care after cleansing, take an appropriate amount on cotton puff and apply it over the face. Pat lightly until fully absorbed. After applying it, continue next skin care step as usual
So basically all these information I just copied from the box packaging and Althea website. Even direction dia kata apply guna cotton puff but I personally prefer to apply this essence guna tangan je
My own experience ❤
The texture is really watery, sangat-sangat light (literally like air biasa). There's no fragrance but dia macam ada sikit lah bau, I'm not sure nak kata bau apa (maybe barley) but tak mengganggu pun. Just nice to apply on the face
My fault is I applied this after toner. Mula pun I rasa macam ehh bukan ke texture paling ringan and watery ke kena apply dulu in first step of skincare? Sebab my Hada Labo toner is quite thicker than normal toner but from my search kata essence is after toner. So I confused waktu tu haha
And then I baca-baca lagi try google review semua betul lah yang this essence kena pakai first sekali after cleanse sebab dia memang act as 'first treatment' in skin care routine. Dan nama pun 'First Treatment Essence' tu pun tak boleh nak tangkap lagi... aduiii shamerrr (tampar dahi)
The packaging is made of thick glass with silver cap. Which I love so much bcs nampak macam luxury gila. Mudah pecah or tak I'm not sure but kaca kan so better jangan bagi jatuh lah
Ni gambar lama, yang sekarang dah almost nak habis |
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I put sticker sebab masa ambik gambar ni my reflection nampak dekat penutup dia tu luls |
I apply this everyday religiously in AM and PM. Even pergi travel mana-mana pun gigih bawak tau
My first impression I macam tak impress sangat sebab rasa macam apply air biasa je kat muka. Mula lah masa tu doubt ehh aku beli yang tak ori ke ni? haha. Awal-awal memang tak perasan the effect but after one or two weeks macam tu lah I perasan acne dah kurang tumbuh, tak macam biasa
The texture is very light, cepat menyerap and not sticky at all. Not only my acne semakin kurang, also it really helps me in lighten up my dark sports and blemishes
I bought this at Althea masa tu harga dia RM135 (cheaper than Hermo). A bit pricey tapi worth gila-gila. And kalau difikirkan tak rasa too much pun sebenarnya nak spend on this essence bcs I bought this May tahun lepas and now still ada lagi (I memang pakai sikit-sikit je sebab sayang kan benda mahal, hehe). So kiranya satu botol tu pun boleh tahan lebih setahun, ikut how much you apply everyday
Masa I tengah tulis ni baru realized yang I dah pakai this Missa FTE dah lebih setahun pastu I pun cepat-cepat cari kotak and belek nak tengok dia punya PAO (period after opening) tapi takde pulak. So I guess boleh je lah kot pakai lebih setahun pun luls
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PAO label |
And this is my skin before and after pakai dalam 2 months macam tu. Fyi my skin masa bulan 5 tu jadi teruk sangat macam tu sebab I baru lepas kena chicken pox (lmao betul dah tua baru nak kena)
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Waktu ni parut chicken pox dah banyak pudar, parut jerawat tu yang lagi degil. And I also got new pimple dekat dahi |
So I dah naik kan contrast these pictures so boleh nampak clear all the scars and blemishes. Sorry lah kalau gambar my face ni buat you gais rasa nak muntah
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Masa kena chicken pox tu I memang tak pakai langsung any skincare, and then tumbuh la banyak gila jerawat yg takde mata tu besar-besar on my chin. Dah lah sakit annoying gila |
Dia punya kesan and improvement tu memang tak banyak beza but normal lah kan. When it comes to skincare ni kita memang kena banyak sabar and takkan ada jalan singkat
And now dah 2018, my skin still takde lah ok sepenuhnya. I still got acne on my face especially hormonal acne yang susah nak treat on my chin area. So yeah, I'm still working hard to achieve that healthy and good looking skin. Chaiyok!
So if you guys nak beli boleh check dekat Althea (click here) or Hermo (click here). But Hermo mahal sikit lah dalam RM148, kalau nak maybe boleh tunggu sampai ada sale ke. Or you guys boleh jugak beli dekat Missha punya outlet dekat Sunway Pyramid. But I think kalau dekat kedai mesti lagi mahal
My conclusion is I really really love this essence so much! Absolutely one of my holy grail products. And ofc I will repurchase this
p/s: ni pun dah kena order cepat dekat Althea ni sebab dah nak habis. Ohhh~ my monnnehhh~
I'm gonna give this 5/5, no doubt ;)
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